Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Break

Looking back I was so ready for a break. It was getting that time when I needed to be have some relaxation. Now what nine days later and I have no idea where all the time has gone. Fortunately, I do also have the day off tomorrow because of an unused weather day..YAY!! I will probably be working at school on fundraiser stuff for the walk, but that is not really working. Please don;t mistake me I LOVE my job, but it's nice to get a break every once in a while. I am sure all you non educators are thinking, how lame is that that teachers think they always need vacations. We can job swap anytime.
Okay back to spring break. Things got started off with a successful Swamp John's fundraiser..thanks to all who came out. Sunday was of course Easter. That of course meant a trip to Hamilton. I got lucky my mom didn't feel well, so the day was short. I will be honest it was a pretty good day. Good food and a nice game of mini golf. I don't mean putt putt I mean golf with miniature clubs. The first of the week is kind of a blur, but I do remember quite a bit of cleaning involved. Mid-week was definitely the highlight. My parents offered to treat me to a Braves game for my birthday. Little did they know when I bought the tickets I would get us seats behind the dug out. My dad quickly decided it was well worth the price...we had a server who took our orders and brought our food. The Braves did lose, but it was such a beautiful day..even got some sun!! The end of my week continued with more cleaning. I id have the house to myself for a few days, so that was pretty nice. Now I am finished with all the chores and the rain is puring down. I think I am going to tun in early. Enjoy the pics!
We always have to take our yearly family hotos. I did luck out and only had to be in a few shots this year. It was a little windy.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Little Boys

I have to say if I am ever to have children I hope I have little boys. Now do not get me wrong I love little girls, but boys are so much fun. I am so blessed to have two close friends who each have two wonderful boys each. On Saturday I had such a great time playing soccer and Mario Kart with Grant and Benjamin. Today I was able to send the morning with Sam and Eli, then Sam came over and spent the day with me. We had a great time playing, doing the "Hot Dog" dance and hunting Easter eggs. I was even okay with him pelting me in the face with a tennis ball. I would love a little girl, but I would have so much fun with little boys.

Sam was trying to make the face like the SpiderMan egg.

Sam thought it was so funny to throw the tennis ball and try t hit me in the was funny!!!