About a month ago I was getting ready to preorder my copy of Going Rogue when I discovered Sarah Palin was going to do a book tour in cities that are more traditionally Republican. She wasn't going to big cities like New York and LA, but instead "smaller" cities. I knew immediately she would have to be coming to the South and B'ham is "small" compared to LA. I was thrilled when I found out the info and and that it was around Thanksgiving break. I later learned that I would possibly have to camp out the night before. Also it became clear that security would be tight and getting extra face time or personalization with the former Governor would be even more difficult. I knew I had to have a plan.
My parents and I left for B'ham on Sunday morning at 5:30. We arrived just before 8 and the line already had a couple of hundred people...my dad was utterly shocked. We would find out that some people had been there since Saturday afternoon. We got settled and met all the folks we would spend the next few hours with, "September" the lady who was catching up on her daily Bible reading, "Baton Rouge" who dove up for the event and her friend from B'ham and even the young couple behind me. As the hours rolled on over a thousand people showed up. Finally at 12 p.m. they gave us our tickets. I got spots 302-04. I was pleased since it was out of a 1000. There wee lots of unhappy people that day, but chewing out security guards got them nowhere.
These wee the security and BAM people that I would become familiar with over the next couple of days!!!
I had already planned that I would wear one of my class shirts with the Special Olympics symbol, so I might draw some attention. I also had my kids pics tucked away in my bag, so that I could tape them in the books before I got them signed. I had looked on the web to see how long people were getting to spend time with her and if they were allowed to give her stuff, so I did break down and write a card. I had been wanting to tell her how I felt about Trig, what I did for a living and what a fan I was. My aunt Pam was going to join me On Monday for the event, but we still had one more ticket since my cousin Bailey couldn't get out of school in time to make the deadline to arrive to line up. Instead a friend of my aunt's, Phyllis, went with us. She was almost as excited as I was about the evening. We arrived at Brookwood around 2:30 and there were already hundreds of people hanging out in the food court waiting to get in line. Around 3 they started calling groups of people to line up. We did not get to line up until 4:30. The crowd was lively as we wound our way outside the store. They had music playing and everyone was all a buzz. We had to go through a series of people where we had to show receipts and be given instructions: no cameras, phones or other memorabilia. When we got to the door I talked with a guy about the signature page so I would know where to tape my pics once I got inside. I thought I was though security , so I taped them in, but I actually had a couple more people (who didn't notice them). We handed over our bags, phones, cameras, and even my sweatshirt tied abound my waist. The publisher's people then explained about how we would not get our same books back. My heart stopped, I approached her to explain my pics being taped. She was totally cool with it and told me she would give them to the publisher. Things got better until I realized he was only holding one book. I told him I had another one. Sarah Palin's parents began looking through the books (they had realized the pics wee children with Down syndrome). About the time we gave up Sarah herself opened the book and began asking who they belonged to. I tried not to ruin the experience of others in front of me but I began saying they were mine.
Dialog of the following event:
Sarah: Whose pictures are these? Lacey:
Me, I work with children with Down syndrome
Sarah's parents introduce themselves and say thank you for what you do, Piper begins looking at the pictures
Sarah: Wow, that's great! Thank you so much for what you do? What's your name?
Me: Lacey, Lacey Sewell (I know too James bond)
Sarah: Did you get to see Trig?
Me: No, I am very honored to meet you and I am a big fan, but I REALLY did hope to meet him.
Sarah: Jason, Jason will you come let the lady in the blue in the back with Aunt Katie to meet Trig. She woks with special needs children.
Me; Oh wait, can I give you this card.
Sarah: most definitely
I begin trying to go with "Jason" when the BAM people try to escort me out of the signing area.
Sarah: No, she is going in back with Jason. Go back this way.
Jason: So you work with special needs children, that's impressive. What's your name:
Me: Lacey. So Jason can I get camera?
Jason laughs
Me; I guess that is a no!
Jason: Aunt Katie this is Lacey, she works with children with special needs.
Aunt Katie: That's wonderful! Thank you so much. This is Trig. (He is in his striped onezy he had been wearing on Greta that day.
Me: Hey there Buddy, you are adorable. Trig reaches and sticks his tongue out. He comes over to me. I start tickling him and he is still sticking his tongue out laughing. I start making faces at him, so he throws his hands in the air and laughs. He goes back to aunt Katie. I blew him a kiss. He sticks his hand up to his mouth. I blow at his face and he blows back.
I say thanks and goodbye. I am in shock. I walk back through the signing area. I wasn't going to speak to Govenor Palin again, but we made eye contact. I said thank you and she said not thank you it was my pleasure.
I had totally forgotten about Pam and Phyllis, but reality happened and we were back outside the area and being ushered down the escalator. They take our wristbands off and it's over. I was on cloud nine. I could not believe it happened. I didn't think I was going to be able to sleep.
I am still keeping my fingers crossed that the Palin photographer did at least get my picture with Sarah and Piper. Sarah and her whole family were incredible. She is beautiful and very sincere. I thought I was a big fan, but now I am an even bigger fan. I am so thankful to all my friends who have been giving such wonderful feedback. I am especially thankful for Sam and Colby because without their pics I wouldn't have met Trig. I know for a fact that other than his family I am his biggest fan. I may not be able to have any pics of the event but I told someone I will always have the scene playing in my head.