Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Little Coffee with My Oxygen

SO here I goes I said I would write about randomness the whole month of February and of course the day slipped up on me. I had great intentions of writing a couple of blogs that would be a bit more interesting, but they are not quite ready to publish. For those of you who did not read my last blog I want to explain that the idea for my random thoughts came from the 25 Random Things that has been floating around facebook (I have really enjoyed reading everyone's). Since I am behind already I will just start with my number one from
The title is a little lay on a Gilmore Girls dialogue. Needless to say I absolutely love coffee. Now some people prefer certain kinds, not me I drink whatever. I mean I prefer a strong cup or a nice white chocolate frappaccino., but I drink what is available. As I have gotten older I seem to go for more black, but I think it is only because I am too cheap to drink anything else. Also I mean if I am going to drink as much as I do then black is better for me than all the other sugar.
I fell in love with coffee at a young age, but I laid off it until the cappuccino craze of the late 90's. Then in college it became a must have. I almost broke the bank when Starbucks opened in Jackson then Bubba's bagels set up shop in Henderson. I had to have coffee so bad some nights I had to beg Liz or Claire just to walk with me across the street so I could get my fix.
Now some might think it is the caffeine in coffee that I need, but on the contrary I drink coffee in winter to warm me up so I can go to sleep. After college it took a long time to get back to simply black because I fell for all the tempting creamer flavors. I was a good PR person for nearly every flavor. My bunco women can attest to that. Sadly now I have said goodbye to most creamers except at night because I had to lose some weight and the first thing I gave up was sweet creamers.
I can admit that I am not addicted. I know it may seem that way but I bet I could go without it, but I dare anyone to spend the day with me the day I give it up. I do not know what I day without coffee is like. I do want you to understand that I am not someone who drinks it constantly all day because I hate the way it makes my teeth feel. No I am down to one black cup in the morning, one half caff or decaf cup at the Y when I finish working out (the only decaf I ever drink...i do not turn down "free" coffee) and then one cup with creamer at night when it is cold outside. I do not even care if it is scalding hot or cold I take it either way. Now I know I can survive on just one single cup in the morning, but I also know that I can make it on six to eight cups in one day. All the while never being affected by the caffeine. I just like the taste. I mean I will eat coffee flavored anything. I love the smell of it. When I feel sick the coffee smell makes my nausea go away.
I could go without a lot of things, even food but give me a little coffee with my oxygen:)

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