Today I hope that once again our citizens can for at least one day stand United as we did on that day. The story of Todd Beamer on United 93 has always been one that has touched my heart but we all remember so much. Let's always remember our policeman, firefighters, volunteer workers, and our service men and women, but most especially today. I hope you enjoy!
My first look at the WTC came in April of 1999 from Liberty Island. It was cold cold April day, but to see those buildings rise above the NY skyline was amazing. Here I stand with two close high school friends, Erica (Hamrick) Warren and Danielle (Burleson)Kennedy. Who would have ever thought back then something so devastating would happen two yeas later.
I will never forget that early September morning in 2001. My roommate and one other suitemate shared a 9:15 class so I got to e first in shower that day. As always once I got out Lindsey followed and I turned on the Today show (Katie was our favorite in those days) Within minutes I was waking Elizabeth up and hurrying Lindsey out of the shower. We were standing there watching it when the second plane hit the towers. We all made it to class only to find out class was cancelled. We continued to watch the coverage in dorm rooms and dorm lobbies. I had the good fortune of attending a Christian university, but most especially on that day. Our chapel service was a moving prayer service that by then included the Pentagon and PA. We had prayer services at churches and really were all in shock. I remeber crying as you watched the news each night and people were pleading to find thee loved ones.
Each yer on the anniversary I remember watching the memorial services, but actually seeing it in 2003 was amazing. At first glance dirt and rubble were still lingering around. Buildings were still bored up from broken glass. You wee hardly able to walk around it and firefighters and policeman (especially) still stood on patrol of the area.

This was the skyline as I saw it in 2003

A flag hung around the cleanup and the steel beams which were left standing in the form f a cross was still visible to see.

A billboard at one end of the site as well as a construction workers cleaning up.

This was a statue at the wax museum in 2003. It was so real looking we bought an 8x10 of it.

The ground was left with a big giant hole. It was amazing how deep it was. they were almost finished cleaning out so they could begin working on the subway system.

Just two years before I remember standing in this same area and just looking up as far as my neck could bend and seeing all building, but on this day two years after 9-11 it was only sky.
This past spring (yet again in April) I was able to go back and visit the site. It was shocking to see how far they had come just six years later. This time I spent time in the church beside the WTC site. This church was one of few building left standing. The graves in the graveyard are leaning, but few marks. It also became a shelter and rescue area. They have so much memorabilia left from 2001.

The bell if you can read it was given to the church and NYC from the city of London. It reminded me of a mini Liberty Bell.
Here lies a fireman's suit who did not survive as well as badges from all the fire departments who came to help with rescue efforts.

Now I have been to the OK city bombing site and it was just as humbling, so when I saw this banner it touched my heart.

If you remember from above I have a very similar picture. Now you can see the subway has been built back and roads are paved. It no time this will be a beautiful area.

here is one of the memorials they have now at WTC site.
Today I hope everyone one remembers those were lost and especially their families who survived. God Bless America!! I leave you with words from America the Beautiful.
America, America
God shed His grace on thee
And crowned thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.
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