If I remember correctly I have blogged about my time at FHU, so I am not going to get too long winded. I simply want to recognize those wonderful friends who made my four years in small town Tennessee some of the greatest years of my life. While at FHU I developed some special relationships with peers, professors and since I was in education I also met some wonderful children whom I will never forget.
I had a variety of suite mates and a couple of roommates, but I give the most credit to Elizabeth, Lindsey, Jessica, Keisha and Claire. We had some great times. I had special memories with all of those I lived with, but these girls were the most special . Liz and I were definitely the odd couple. Despite all of our differences we always could have a good time. Now that we live half a world away I realize how much I miss not having those times together anymore.
I really have to shout out to all those girls who lived on third floor Dixon back in the day. We always had some fun times climbing on the roof in the middle of the night, sitting out in the cold after a fire alarm and one of my favorite memories was game tournaments. Some people began to hate me and Elizabeth after we claimed victory in almost every game.

I have already talked about Lindsey this month, but I have to mention her because I was lucky to have a close friend from home. It made you feel like a part of home was always there. We never were roomies, but the bathroom in between us was just enough space.
I had so many friends from different aspects of school: social clubs, classmates, study buds, chapel friends, or just any other random person. All my special ed friends were supportive during school work. My social club got me through the first couple of years. I always appreciated hanging out with random groups from time to time..it kept things fun. There was one group that lasted all four years no matter how far apart we grew we still found time for one another. Keisha, Stephanie, Emily and Laura were some of the closest friends I had. I was closer to some more than others at different times, but we were always there for one another.
Perhaps our greatest times were on the Ketchum farm playing in the cotton and pigging out until we were sick. Keisha's family was such a big part of my time at FHU. We also had some other pretty fun trips, but always loved heading to Missouri. We loved hanging out as a group but I also enjoyed time I sent with them individually. I don't spend time with any of these girls anymore, but they are the type we could meet up today and pick right back up. We all live apart from one another, so being around each other isn't easy. Our lives have moved on, but I would give anything to be back on the farm with them all again.

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