I debated what would be the best way to go about this because I have talked about my experiences so I simply decided to recognize some of those wonderful teachers who made such an impact on my life while also adding a few anecdotes to the list as well. Teachers have so many other subtitles and make such a difference in the lives of the children they encounter. I am not saying this because I am teacher but because my teachers made me who I am and especially made me want to be a teacher.
ABC School: Miss Sue and Miss Sharon were my first "teachers". I learned so much there and was a part of the first graduating class!!!
K:Mrs Cantrell: Lots of things happened from teaching my table their colors (despite being colorblind...I could read the labels and they couldn't) to the highlight Katie and I demonstrating child labor in the home center..gotta love primetime TV
1st: Mrs. Mrs Enlow had to put up with the rebellious Lacey...but I learned from all my mischievous actions.yeah I got my first paddling that year!!
2nd: I am not shouting out to my teacher but instead Mrs. Lawler. As mentioned in one of my first blogs...some people didn't think I could do a lot since I couldn't see. It was decided I needed a special reading class. Mrs Lawler was my reading teacher. I ended up surpassing that reading group, but wanted to stay because I loved Mrs. Lawler so much!!!
Mrs. Puckett: everyone was scared of her but I loved that year!!! After all I was well liked since I knew my state capitals and anything else she wanted memorized.
4th is when I first started changing classes so I had Mrs. Davis, Ellis, McRea, Jackson and Ray. I learned quite a lot that year!!
5th began middle school where I had some of my favorite teachers. Learning to be in middle school wasn't easy, but I had some great teachers who made it possible. Mrs Childers, Goggans and Ellis were those who made lasting impressions.
6th was not one of my favorite years. I remember being bored most of the time. I had good teachers but it was just dull.
7th is when I fell in love with English and literature, so Mrs Howell was one of my favorites. She is Cheryl's (from the bff blog) mother so she became more than a teacher that year. Looking back though I know she was one of the ones who made me want to become a teacher. I will never forget her reading books to us..especially Where the Red Fern Grows!! I also started having electives so that was a new experience. I honestly did not do as well in my other classes.
8th is when I picked back up with school. I again had several good teacher but Ms Anglin and West were two who pushed me in English and history. They weren't always easy, but I need some pushing back then.
High school I am going to group up. I had lots of great teachers. I am not leaving someone out because I forgot them or chose not to, but I want to highlight a few. Charlotte goes with out saying, but all my English teachers were important to me. I loved my electives like creative writing and whatever Mrs. Wood class I took (I am thankful for her letting me do whatever I wanted..just to get me out of her hair). Cara and Mrs. Howard had to put up with a lot, but I did make all the way through ALL my math classes. Most days I loathed Mr. Hartselle, but I still remember most of that chemistry stuff!!! I goofed off a lot in high school, but I had some great teachers and I really did learn a lot.
College was a wonderful experience with a lot of great professors in so many discipline areas. I should just list all their names, but I won't for times sake. Mrs. Marie was number one support. I wanted to be just like her. She taught me a lot about special education. The Cypress ladies were some great young professors. all my Bible professors were important to me. After all I worked in the Bible department, so they really were a group I admired. David Powell for letting be his assistant, Mr Billy and Dr. Hester for what they taught me and the Flatts for being like grandparents. The English faculty was a fun group that I enjoyed traveling with one summer. The thing with FHU was your professors were so approachable and almost like extended family.
Finally graduate school: I had some great professors that added on to what I learned in college. I really enjoyed being at UNA. I not only learned from my professors, but also all those wonderful teachers I had classes with.
I am still honored to be in school. I learn every day from all the people I work with. Education lasts forever, but I have been blessed by having a firm foundation!!!
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