Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

I am like an old lady when it comes to going to bed. Honestly, I do stay up when I am not working, but I still get up at the crack of dawn. I even try to stay up later on the weekends, but when six o'clock rolls around I am up with the birds. When school starts back after summer vacation I am the worst. I will come in and go to bed at seven. It reminds me of how my great grandmother used to watch "wheel of Fortune" at 6:30 then go to bed. One day when I have children I will probably be getting less sleep and maybe that is hwy now I sleep so much in preparation for it. I really do not even get irritable when I have had lack of sleep. I do like to get eight hours, but I am okay if I do not. Unless there is something on TV (which is rare) then I am to bed by 8 or nine. I usually read for an hour or so then go to sleep. If I am sick then it is a whole different story. For example, I am not feeling well today and I am exhausted, so I may be in bed by six or seven..no joke.

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