Sunday, December 5, 2010

More Than a Ribbon

I have a new long sleeve t-shirt that I am selling in order to raise money for the 2011 Susan g. Komen 3 Day for the Cure. I have not decided for sure yet but I think I am going to Boston. Would love to have a friend or local to participate with, but if not then I will go on my is that important to me. Anyway the shirt is white, the picture is the back. They come in small to xlarge ($15) or 2x and 3x for ($17). I will ship anywhere but you have to pay for the shipping. I encourage everyone to share this with your friends. I would love to raise more than my goal this time!!! Oh and the front is a ribbon on the left side of chest that says more then a ribbon through the pink ribbon.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

the last day

I won't lie I am glad this is the last day for counting my blessings. I must admit it was difficult to always come up with something that I felt people would be interested in reading. I could list things all day long, but you might not find them blog worthy.
This has been such a wonderful month. I have enjoyed looking back at "old times' and thinking about the wonderful people from my past. I am glad that I also could share with those I love how important they are. I hope that you have found at least one blog that you connected with.
Who knows why I always commit myself to blogging a solid month then forget to log on for months..maybe I must just drop a line every week or so. May you all enjoy your holiday season...remember count your blessings!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

A Good Book

In a world where there are still people who can not read, I am thankful that I not only can read but I enjoy reading. Coming from someone who came very close to not having the ability to see to is a blessing. I am a nerd because I have always loved to read from Dr. Seuss, Ramona, to my favorite English lit authors. I also really enjoy reading children's books. We all loved Harry Potter, well those who took the time to read it. I also from time to time get the opportunity to review children's books for a group. I love getting my hands on new books and getting the chance to review it.
These days I do not always get the chance to sit and read for hours, but I love a good raining day or being out of school in order to get the chance to spend the day reading. It is sad to think people can't read or children in other countries and truly ours as well do not even have their own books. It is such a simple thing, but sometimes we forget what a blessing it truly is.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

America the Beautiful

God Bless America!! We are so privileged to live in America. We all take it for granted from time to time, but deep down we know we are truly blessed. I again I am going to try not to get on a soapbox. I do not want to make this about religion and politics since some of you can;t handle those topics as well as others. I don;t want to shove my religion and politics down your throat, but I will express my gratitude for this great country we live in and call home.
Whether some of you like or not..there would be no America without God. He has blessed us with an awesome landscape to behold. I have traveled almost all over this wonderful country. I have seen what many of you will never see. The nature and beauty of this land is awesome. the man made creations are a wonderful sight as well.
Somewhere along the way we have forgotten the foundation of the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Some say they are antiquated or don't fit into our life anymore, but maybe something has gone wrong within us. We are so materialistic and self-serving we begin to fit the big picture. I am thankful every morning when I get to say the "Pledge of Allegiance" in a school or when I tear u at the national anthem. In times of trouble yes we all come together and support our country. Those are the great moments, but it is sad that it takes a disaster or attack to make us act in such a way. I wont get into politics because I stay away from media coverage because I know our media and most politicians are out of touch with the reality of the Americans I know and love. I can only do what I know is right and pray others do the same.
Our country has survived civil wars, depressions, attacks on our soil, but we may not survive ourselves eating away our freedoms and beliefs. You all know I am a big Sarah Palin fan. It was just a year ago I had a chance to go to a book signing where she let me meet her precious son trig. Now I am here to admit too, that I honestly don;t follow her a lot either unless it relates to Trig. I am a fan of her because she is a mother of a special needs child. I believe she is a champion for that select group of people. I have recently finished her new book America By Heart; reflections on Family, Faith and Flag. Whether you like her or not she has some interesting stories on our founding fathers as well as other things through out our history. I think aside from her talk of Trig I enjoyed the faith stories the most..not her faith but the faith of our leaders who made this country great.
As simple as they were, just like I believe in Little House principles, we need to get back to some of the beliefs of our founding fathers or civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. We shouldn't be a helpless people who rely on our government, but instead a people who stands up for our country and be "the people" who this government was established for.
I doubt we often realize how free we are in America compared to the rest of the world. We definitely forget how blessed we are when it comes to our abundance of resources whether they are necessity or materialistic. Each and every one of us should be thankful to God for this blessed nation we are a part of fro sea to shining sea!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Susan G. Komen for the Cure

You may think it is silly to be thankful for an organization, but I guarantee if you are a breast cancer survivor or know someone who has survived any type of cancer you won't think it silly. There are so many great cancer organizations such as Relay for Life and so many others. My first charitable experience was staying up late at night and walking in a Relay event. SGK for the Cure not only helps support breast cancer research, but because of the findings and results from their research it also benefits other types of cancers. Some people disagree with SGK's delegating of funds, but you should probably take the time to read their responses and understand their reasoning. When will we learn to find out facts for ourselves and rely on media and hearsay..okay off my soapbox!
Two years ago around this time a group of women I work with decided to do the Breast Cancer 3 day for the Cure in Atlanta. Our team eventually grew to 11 members. We raised over $25K for our team. We had so much training and then completing the walk. I had always been a proud supporter of the Pink, but after I did this walk I became addicted.

I am thankful for my first experience with Leslie, Nicole, Donna, Juanita, Jessica, Leah, Megan, Melanie, Jan and Pam. I hope you all each do it again one day. I know my first experience will most likely be the one I remember most, but you never forget that feeling.

I now not only make sure I wear pink every day in October, but you are hard pressed not to find me wearing pink everyday. I may simply have on a watch or bracelet or others times I am dressed head to toe. I take every opportunity to speak about my experience and encourage others to participate. Only a couple weeks after our walk in October 2009, I registered again. I did not know who was going with me but there was no way I was going to miss it. After some interesting turns of events I ended up doing the 201 Susan G. Komen 3 Day for the Cure with my friend Flori. I was so glad to get to share my experience with her. We raised our money in record time and trained a little.

The event was a wonderful experience. It was neat to watch it through someone else;s eyes. I did not do as well physically this year, but that goes back to my over confidence that didn't need to train. It is a little easier with a small group, but you miss the atmosphere of a larger one. I enjoyed Atlanta and would do it again, but I am also ready to try out some new places. again I am going no matter who goes with me. As the motto sates everyone deserves a lifetime, so as long as I am able I want to help make that possible. I want to imagine a world without breast cancer..what a blessing that would be.

Here a few shots from this year. You can also see the whole album on facebook.

I also have to say that I have been blessed by the support of so many of you who have participated in fundraisers, bought shirts, volunteered and remembered my journey in your prayers. Thank You

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

Another tradition I left off is Black Friday shopping..well okay so maybe I mentioned the planning, but now we are to the event itself!

You ask why I am I thankful, well now that I am finished I can reflect on it better. I enjoy the day. IT is high pressure and craziness, but it is one of those family traditions. I enjoy going with my mother. Of course I am totally there for the Target shopping.
This year Bailey and Toni came up to go with us. We were at Target in the rain at $ a.m. We ran in and began loading up on everything we needed. I always go for the DVDs, my mom gets whatever and Toni..she probably doesn't know what she bought. We got some pretty good deals. Once I finish shopping for myself I am the buggy holder. Next we headed to Kohl''s where we got ripped on rebate junk, but I am so stuff is already in the mail. After grabbing some bfast we headed to the mall. Okay so maybe I should have just gone to bed, but I finally got a second wind. I almost went off on a kiosk lady, but I got the holiday spirit and walked off. Our final stop was Hobby Lobby where Bailey and I got what we needed and went to the car. After getting lunch we finally made it home. I have showered and now I am off to take a nap. Who knows chances are I may go back out to Target because I already have stuff to return that I realized I actually don't need.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


What is a holiday without traditions. Since today is Thanksgiving I can not help but be thankful for this day we set aside to count our blessings. Also I am thankful for all the traditions that go along with it. We all have different ways of celebrating the holidays. I would love to throw in some Christmas, but I will save that for later, so today it is all about tradition.
My Thanksgiving morning starts with getting up as soon as the paper lands in the driveway. I LOVE looking through the black Friday sale papers. We decide where we need to go and what we need to get. My parents and I sit around drink coffee and hang out for a bit. My dad usually ends up cooking ham or turkey. Then we start rushing to leave for Hamilton. We usually end up stopping a few places along the way. Finally once we get there (three hours before dinner) we go to my grandparents and of course then off to the cottage Garden where my aunts usually meet up with us. You never know who from the old days you will run into. Finally we head to my aunt and uncle's house...Valerie you get the shout out since you are the one who reads this!!! We gripe because people don't pull their weight, we eat, we mull over the sale papers, my cousins pick out their gifts, we ague about who gets a present and how much to spend, we eat, we watch some random TV and then head back home. Someone usually ends up coming home with us so they can shop the next morning. We make a few more stops before going home to crash. You never know who will show up or what will happen, but that is my family thanksgiving...and I wouldn't have any other way. Some of you have nice sit down dinner, but that almost seems dull to me. We have 25 or more who run and rush to get our buffet style dinner. then we rush to see who actually gets a seat or who has to sit on the floor. We have way too much food that usually we end up eating for a day or two later. we are loud, we ague but mostly in fun. There were times in my life I wished for that nice quiet dinner, but really we have way more FUN!!! Wait to see what happens....

Okay so part two...what actually happened today...The morning went off as normal. The turkey finished and we headed to Hamilton. Today our stops were drug stores because we had to pick up medicine. Me I was in dire need of a carbonated beverage which for me is a Coke zero. Who knew CVS and Wallgreens and Muscle Shoals don;t sell them cold...seriously. thank goodness for the Shell station!!! We get to Hamilton, go to the g-parents and all three of us head to Cottage Garden. Yes, we all rode together since Bambi ran over my dad's car and we are a one car family (thanks to Pop's we picked up a spare). I don;t go n because I am trying to finish my Sarah Palin book. Eventually my dad gets bored so we grab Bailey and ride around Hamilton (only to avoid doing work for others). We had to check out what's opened/closed, ride by the old house you know the normal stuff.
We finally get Elvis and Valerie's where I make it my mission to aggravate Ella. We played and looked through the sale papers. Bailey and I talk Ella into playing find the pregnant people in the ads. This ends up in a wrestling match between me and the 6 year old (who by the way can take me) for the pics of the pregnant ladies...oh and yes I won!!! She did beat me at Simon says though. Of course 30 minutes after dinner time we finally get ready to eat. At the time of prayer the body count is 27. We rush to someone is stealing the food. I did get a seat on the couch by the TV which was playing Kungfu Pando for the third time. Not long after eating we leave because the rain was starting. I ride with my mom only to swap cars with my dad in Muscle Shoals. I opted not do preshop but instead get sleep. All in all the day went as smooth as it could have..Happy thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Education comes in many forms, but I am strictly referring to my school education on this one. You learn everywhere you go and are forever a student of some sort of discipline, but I have made school my life.
I debated what would be the best way to go about this because I have talked about my experiences so I simply decided to recognize some of those wonderful teachers who made such an impact on my life while also adding a few anecdotes to the list as well. Teachers have so many other subtitles and make such a difference in the lives of the children they encounter. I am not saying this because I am teacher but because my teachers made me who I am and especially made me want to be a teacher.
ABC School: Miss Sue and Miss Sharon were my first "teachers". I learned so much there and was a part of the first graduating class!!!
K:Mrs Cantrell: Lots of things happened from teaching my table their colors (despite being colorblind...I could read the labels and they couldn't) to the highlight Katie and I demonstrating child labor in the home center..gotta love primetime TV
1st: Mrs. Mrs Enlow had to put up with the rebellious Lacey...but I learned from all my mischievous actions.yeah I got my first paddling that year!!
2nd: I am not shouting out to my teacher but instead Mrs. Lawler. As mentioned in one of my first blogs...some people didn't think I could do a lot since I couldn't see. It was decided I needed a special reading class. Mrs Lawler was my reading teacher. I ended up surpassing that reading group, but wanted to stay because I loved Mrs. Lawler so much!!!
Mrs. Puckett: everyone was scared of her but I loved that year!!! After all I was well liked since I knew my state capitals and anything else she wanted memorized.
4th is when I first started changing classes so I had Mrs. Davis, Ellis, McRea, Jackson and Ray. I learned quite a lot that year!!
5th began middle school where I had some of my favorite teachers. Learning to be in middle school wasn't easy, but I had some great teachers who made it possible. Mrs Childers, Goggans and Ellis were those who made lasting impressions.
6th was not one of my favorite years. I remember being bored most of the time. I had good teachers but it was just dull.
7th is when I fell in love with English and literature, so Mrs Howell was one of my favorites. She is Cheryl's (from the bff blog) mother so she became more than a teacher that year. Looking back though I know she was one of the ones who made me want to become a teacher. I will never forget her reading books to us..especially Where the Red Fern Grows!! I also started having electives so that was a new experience. I honestly did not do as well in my other classes.
8th is when I picked back up with school. I again had several good teacher but Ms Anglin and West were two who pushed me in English and history. They weren't always easy, but I need some pushing back then.
High school I am going to group up. I had lots of great teachers. I am not leaving someone out because I forgot them or chose not to, but I want to highlight a few. Charlotte goes with out saying, but all my English teachers were important to me. I loved my electives like creative writing and whatever Mrs. Wood class I took (I am thankful for her letting me do whatever I wanted..just to get me out of her hair). Cara and Mrs. Howard had to put up with a lot, but I did make all the way through ALL my math classes. Most days I loathed Mr. Hartselle, but I still remember most of that chemistry stuff!!! I goofed off a lot in high school, but I had some great teachers and I really did learn a lot.
College was a wonderful experience with a lot of great professors in so many discipline areas. I should just list all their names, but I won't for times sake. Mrs. Marie was number one support. I wanted to be just like her. She taught me a lot about special education. The Cypress ladies were some great young professors. all my Bible professors were important to me. After all I worked in the Bible department, so they really were a group I admired. David Powell for letting be his assistant, Mr Billy and Dr. Hester for what they taught me and the Flatts for being like grandparents. The English faculty was a fun group that I enjoyed traveling with one summer. The thing with FHU was your professors were so approachable and almost like extended family.
Finally graduate school: I had some great professors that added on to what I learned in college. I really enjoyed being at UNA. I not only learned from my professors, but also all those wonderful teachers I had classes with.
I am still honored to be in school. I learn every day from all the people I work with. Education lasts forever, but I have been blessed by having a firm foundation!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Party Like It's 1999!!!

I can't mention college friends without acknowledging all the special friends I had growing up. Your childhood and high school friends are the ones who are there for all your rights of passage. I blogged about those close best friends, but I was fortunate to have quite a lot of friends growing up. Of course we had our usual girl squabbles but each day was different.
Small towns bring a whole new letter in the equation. everybody knows everything and always in your business. Now that I look back I was fortunate to grow up in a small town. You never worried about safety and you always had a big group to hang out with.
My high school years were a blast. We were always getting into trouble...good and bad. Friendships with boys turned into crushes and first loves. Of course there was also those whom you had crushes on but they never knew. Friendships came and went from August to May. My last year we did party like 1999. We had some wonderful memories that I hope I never forget. After graduation I couldn't wait to get out of there, but looking back those were some of the most fun times of my life.
My family moved from Hamilton so I don't get back much, but now I try to enjoy the time when I am there. I admit facebook has been great to get back in touch with people. We may never see each other or only run into one another from time to time, but I enjoy checking their status and looking at pictures. I am blessed to reconnect with so many people.
High school is the worst of times it is the best of times!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

College Friends

After I posted about going back to being twenty I began to think about how blessed I was to have such an awesome college experience. I honestly believe though that at the time I didn't know how blessed I was. I was blessed by so many wonderful experiences and so many wonderful people. I could never fit it all into one blog, but I hope to highlight a few things.
If I remember correctly I have blogged about my time at FHU, so I am not going to get too long winded. I simply want to recognize those wonderful friends who made my four years in small town Tennessee some of the greatest years of my life. While at FHU I developed some special relationships with peers, professors and since I was in education I also met some wonderful children whom I will never forget.
I had a variety of suite mates and a couple of roommates, but I give the most credit to Elizabeth, Lindsey, Jessica, Keisha and Claire. We had some great times. I had special memories with all of those I lived with, but these girls were the most special . Liz and I were definitely the odd couple. Despite all of our differences we always could have a good time. Now that we live half a world away I realize how much I miss not having those times together anymore.
I really have to shout out to all those girls who lived on third floor Dixon back in the day. We always had some fun times climbing on the roof in the middle of the night, sitting out in the cold after a fire alarm and one of my favorite memories was game tournaments. Some people began to hate me and Elizabeth after we claimed victory in almost every game.
Gotta love the 3d floor game crew!!!

I have already talked about Lindsey this month, but I have to mention her because I was lucky to have a close friend from home. It made you feel like a part of home was always there. We never were roomies, but the bathroom in between us was just enough space.
I had so many friends from different aspects of school: social clubs, classmates, study buds, chapel friends, or just any other random person. All my special ed friends were supportive during school work. My social club got me through the first couple of years. I always appreciated hanging out with random groups from time to kept things fun. There was one group that lasted all four years no matter how far apart we grew we still found time for one another. Keisha, Stephanie, Emily and Laura were some of the closest friends I had. I was closer to some more than others at different times, but we were always there for one another.
Perhaps our greatest times were on the Ketchum farm playing in the cotton and pigging out until we were sick. Keisha's family was such a big part of my time at FHU. We also had some other pretty fun trips, but always loved heading to Missouri. We loved hanging out as a group but I also enjoyed time I sent with them individually. I don't spend time with any of these girls anymore, but they are the type we could meet up today and pick right back up. We all live apart from one another, so being around each other isn't easy. Our lives have moved on, but I would give anything to be back on the farm with them all again.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Today as we celebrated Eli's 2nd birthday I couldn't help but think how we should be thankful for a birthday we celebrate each year. Often we get so caught up in the number and the whole aging process we forget to thank God for yet another year of life.
I guess I have started to thin about this more and more the last few months since in five months I will be turning the big 3-0. Some days I old, while others I say wow I can not believe I have made it this far in life. We all think about things we would do differently, but honestly would you trade what you have for something that might have been. Yes, I have made mistakes, yes I regret things and wonder how things could have been different. I also realize though that if things turned out a different way then I might not have certain people in my life or would have experienced certain things. a discussion about going back to being twenty. Almost everyone in the discussion agreed they would love to go back but have the wisdom they have gained over the years. A part of me would love to go back to that age wee life was a little easier, but I too would want to take the wisdom of the last decade. I missed out on opportunities because I didn't just go for it, but you know I have had some pretty special moments too!!
Eli celebrated two years...he still has a full life ahead of him. I too hope I still have a full life ahead of me. I also know the reality of seeing someone's birthday pass and you stop to realize they are no longer around. I often remember those birthdays better than the ones who are still here. We are not guaranteed the next birthday so we have to make the most of what we have with the time we have.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sunny November Saturdays

It is so hard to believe that today on November 20 it is 70 degrees. We may be in for a harsh winter but we have hardly had a fall. I will admit I am thankful all the changing of the seasons and what promise they bring: snow in winter, growth in spring, lazy days in summer and the beautiful fall days. I hate we have missed fall this year because it is one of my favorite seasons...yes even a colorblind girl can appreciate the beauty of fall.

I love the clothes, football changing of colors and everything fall brings. I will admit though that I enjoyed the weather today. I am not a fan of this back and forth weather change with very little rain, but we have to be tankful for what we have at the moment.

today in the warm weather I pulled out all the Christmas decorations and my mother decorated the house. She loves Christmas so I just cooperate as much as possible. so as we get ready for thanksgiving during this warm and possible rainy week...inside the Sewell home it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Stuart and All Those Before Him

Laugh all you want..but yes I am thankful for my dog. If you do not have a family dog then you have no idea how important they are. Stuart is one of the smarted pets around, probably even smarter than quite a few adults. He never lets me down and is there when no one else is around.
I have had quite a few pets from dogs, rabbits, birds, fish and yes even a kitten . As a child all my pets rhymed. From my first dog Scruffy to Sluffy & Gruffy. Those two were my protectors. Wherever I played outside they were there to sit and wait to walk me home. Sluffy was around my entire childhood. he suffered for me all the time. Then there were the birds muffy and buffy. The rabbits fluffy and puffy. Okay I bored after awhile. I thought my two favorite dogs would have been Forrest and Jenny but who knew sibling dogs could reproduce so many puppies!!! Dalmatians were my number one dogs as I got older Chip and Noah kept all the birds out of the yard. Now I realize I had no idea what a pet was until little Stuart came along. He even made my mother fall in love with him.
For those of you who know us know Stuart is top dog at our house. Whatever he wants he gets. He has no idea what a dog eat dog world means

I wish I would have had time to drag out more pet pics, but I thought I would at least include my first dog Scruffy, who unfortunately I thought was a minihorse!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bunco Friends

It is a blessing to have all types of friends, so on Bunco night I am thankful for all those wonderful ladies I play bunco with once a month. The fun thing about my bunco group is that we are a variety of women from all ages, backgrounds and occupations. We always have such a great time. Of course we eat entirely too much food...which we regret later but do the same thing the next month.
You never know what might happen from laughing hysterically to falling out of your chair. We have been together for three years. We have seen people come and go, but the fun never stops. We try to have themed buncos to make it more interesting so you never know what outfit or loser gift will show up. We have seen each other get married, have children, battle cancer, or so many other blessing and trials. We may not spend any other time together but we love our second Thursday of the month.
I am thankful for my mom, Flori, Dinah, Mona, Jeannie, Leah, Amber, Jodi, Laura, Linda and Lynn. Of course I can not forget all of our wonderful subs like Susan, Ginger, Kristen and Marlie. There are so many more that get to come be a part of our fun from time to time.
Some people make fun of bunco groups bc they are an excuse or even do they really play bunco. I have to admit, I look forward to these monthly get togethers. No one has to worry about keeping up appearances we just eat, play and have fun!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Edge

I am truly blessed by my job and most especially by those women I work with each day. I wished I could talk about this blessing more, but for confidentiality reasons I can not talk about my children. Let me just say that one of the richest blessings any one person could have. I so often hear it takes a special person to work with children with disabilities. Okay so I guess some days I believe that, but honestly I could not imagine doing anything else. Of course I have my days, but I love my job. It is never a dull moment. Things can get crazy, but we always get a good laugh later. My days would not be so great without the women I work with. We have seen a few people come and go, but those of us who have been together for a long time are truly blessed to have one another. Florence City Schools and Forest Hills are wonderful places to work, but my Edge family with the bigger family is what I am most thankful for. Today was our Thanksgiving feast where our children host all their teachers, office staff and central office people. I don't always look forward to it, but once it is over I realize how special it is. After everyone left and just our group was finally sitting down to lunch. I looked around the table and thought about how thankful I am to have these people in my life. So Susan Riedel, Susan Meyer, Lisa, and Juanita today I am thankful for you. For all those from the past; Mrs. thigpen, Miss Wilsoncoxsin, Dawn and now Kim and Jeff I am also thankful for you all. You have each brought things to our family that we will never forget. You temporary full time folks are often teh ones that help liven things up. You never know what it is like on The Edge until you have experienced it for yourself!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Okay so if you have actually caught up then you realize I am a little behind...thank goodness for post options!!! So it is really Saturday instead of Tuesday, but I did think about what I was thankful for, but was too lazy to post. For everyone who knows me they know that Tuesday is Biggest Loser night. Ever since competing in our school version of it (taking second place)...I have been into watching the show.
While I am all about the competition of competing in the Biggest Loser I am truly blessed to know that I am actually in really good health. I however am obsessed at times with making sure I don't have risk factors for cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and Alzheimer's Yeah I am also a pretty big Dr. Oz fan..I quote him way too much!!!!
I have been blessed with good health and I hope I continue on that path. I used to really worry about myself and others close to me regarding their health. I finally realized all I can do is be proactive with my own health and hope others close to me follow. Genetics can be something that can hurt us all, but more and more research has shown that you can even slow genetics down for so many cancers and especially Alzheimer's. It breaks my heart when those close to me do not actively take care of themselves, but then those who try so hard and still lose their lives. Whether we want to admit it or not in terms of our health we can often control our own destiny.
for the first time in my life I have at my heaviest weight and exercising less. I have had a year where stress and sadness have taken over. Yes, of course I did my 60 mile walk but I mean that is no marathon. I do hope to one day at least do a half marathon, but I first need to get my lifestyle back to where it once was. I even hope to blog more about exercises, running events and maybe even some good healthy recipes (of course some not so healthy).
It is such a shame that we can easily take steps to save our lives and we get stuck in a rut. I pray I never end up on the TV version of Biggest Loser, but wow what an impact it has had on so many people. this particular season is about paying it forward. I hope I can encourage many of you to think about your health. We are blessed with having a long healthy life, so let's not sabotage it ourselves.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Home Sweet Home

I am not going to lie...I am not into this blogging this week. I mean when it is a chore I get bored with it. I should learn my lesson and not commit to something I make myself stick with. Today when I think of home sweet home I think I so want to be in my pj's watching television.
We know all the little expression about home (home is where the heart is etc.). If is often funny when we truly think of the word home what comes to mind. For the first twenty years of my life I had the same home. I grew there from walking, to riding a bike to yes even learning to drive (thank heavens that didn't last long). When I left for college to head to Tennessee I began to relate to the song "My Home is in Alabama" not a fan of Sweet Home Alabama). When "home" becomes a small 15x15 dorm room you really begin to appreciate having your own room. I will not lie though...I loved dorm life (most of the time).
While I was in college my parents moved to Florence, but for me in the beginning that was so not "home." I don't think it ever became home until I officially moved after finishing college. Now when I think of home I think of Florence. I have lived in two houses, but where I live now is truly home. No I have never actually owned my own house, but I think it would take some time for to even consider that to be home.
I LOVE being home. Maybe sometimes too much. I love to just throw on pj's, read and watch TV. Curling up with Stuart 9my dog people0 laying on the couch in a blanket is home to me. While I love this image...I know the home I most long for. Yes, I would love to eventually have my own family and home, but truly the home I desire to be most is Heaven. Think of the song "This World is not my Home" and I long to be there. Any song about Heaven makes me long for that eternal home. I love my life and being on this Earth, but I am content to think of Heaven and getting there.
I am blessed to have a safe warm home to go to each day because I know so many who have less. On this cold rainy night I hope you all thank God for your home!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Today I am thankful for my church family...both past and present. One of my earlier posts was about faith, but faith, but fewer have a supportive church family. I can say without a doubt I am the person I am today because of my church families.
As child I grew up in a very small church, Kingsville Church of Christ. The majority of my mother's family attended this church, but everyone was like an extended family. We still go back to visit at least once a year. The church has changed by adding new members and others growing older, but they are all still an important part of my life. A person can never forget where they started. The church isn't a building it is the heart and souls of the members who attend it.
Once I began junior high my parents felt I needed a youth group to be involved with. This is when we began to attend Hamilton church of Christ. I knew the basics, but this is where my faith began to be shared and where I truly became a Christian. I wish I could name all those wonderful men and women who were such an influence on me, but I fear I would leave someone out. From youth rallies, Bible bowls, crazy lock ins, Maywood, eating out after church to Bible class homework I cherish it all. My Bible class teachers always pressed me, but that is how I learned. Our youth group was such a huge part of my growing up. I pray I never forget all those wonderful times.
I was fortunate to attend a Christian university, therefore, I was able to hear many wonderful speakers and attend so many wonderful churches. I always loved going home with friends and see the relationships they with their church families.
When I moved to Florence it took me sometime to find that church family that fit and felt like my "home" congregation. finally I found that in Sherrod Avenue. So many wonderful people are now such an important part of my life. They are supportive in so many ways. I have to admit though that my favorite part is working with those infants in cradle roll. I enjoy being one of the people who introduces the babies to their first church family.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Vibrate Mode on Cell Phones

Okay so a few days of sarcastic blessings, but like I mentioned in my first post...little things count to. Let me begin by saying I have been guilty of annoying ringtones and texting when I shouldn't it, but today I have to argue against.

We all have our pet peeves and I know I am supposed to be reflecting on things I am thankful, however, sometimes my blog is used for me to vent. I currently hate hearing cell phones ringing all the time. I can not stand the sound of loud annoying ringtones. People who constantly text get on my nerves. I mean who do you need to text during Communion in church.

I will be first to admit cell phones were a great invention. As My aunt Valerie says "it's a mobile phone, so be mobile" In family landlines are no longer available. I love having a cell phone. I keep it with me at all times. Now days I however find myself using it less and less. It is always on vibrate because I cant stand being in public and hearing a phone ring. Seriously it would be nice to go in a public bathroom and not here people chatting on the phone.

I do text, but I could live without it. Honestly I am trying to actually attempt at talking to people I care about instead of texting. Yes, I text when I don't want to interrupt someone else. I also text when convenience allows it. We just should remember texting should not replace communicating with those we love.

One day I may go back to loud ringtones and may not be able to walk without texting (of course AT&T will have to get 3G in Florence)but today I will take the Silent Mode.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Lesson Learned from the Ingall's

Some of you know that I am currently obsessed with Little House on the Prairie. I watch it every day. I think people can learn a lot about so many aspects of our lives from the Ingall's family. Tonight like most otters my parents and I watched a few episodes of Little House. Yes, I now even have them sucked in, but I think they enjoy it.

I wish I could talk more about it, but coming soon I am planning to devote some blogging time to this show and the lessons it can teach us. You might not look forward to it, but we can learn some powerful things from those simple times.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


This may be a break in pattern, but I can not let this day go by without expressing how thankful I am for our Veterans. Our country has been blessed by the many men and women who have fought and died for our country. I am thankful for all the branches of service who make it their priority to defend and keep our country safe. Throughout my life I have had family members and friends who have served in the military. Today it is you I am thankful for. No matter what our opinion is of war and service we still must honor those who take the responsibility of keeping us safe. Happy Veteran's Day to you all!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Okay so I am not feeling well tonight, so short post..think fast. You know that Ben Franklin was a pretty smart inventor. without him we might not have a lot of things. Yeah okay someone would have eventually put a key to lightning, but let's give credit where credit is due.

You better believe I am thankful for electricity. You are too when the power goes out!! I can't imagine living by lamp our nothing at all.

I know some of you are laughing at the post, but some are laughing because I am the biggest fan of the dark. I will sit in a house with only the TV on. I go around turning off lights all the time. If a room is empty then out goes the light. Maybe it goes back to Earth Day my birthday concept. I am all about going green, but when I want to turn a light on I am thankful for Ben Franklin and electricity!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Makeup and Hair Color

Okay I needed a break from relationships. I needed to lighten thing a manner of speaking. call me vain if you wish...Charlotte would have, but I am thankful for my makeup and hair color. There was a time in my life that I wold not have gone out of the house without my makeup and for that matter would have died if my hair color was not perfect. I have mellowed over the last few years. Most Saturdays you will find me without makeup, in public no less. When I get home from work that is the first thing I do is take that stuff off. Now I will admit I need it, but I am not ashamed without it any more.
Again I used to have my hair just so. When I was little the ponytail was the way to go. If my motehr didn't get it placed on my head just so then WW3 usually broke out. Even up until the last few years I didn't g anywhere without washing and fixing my hair. Today I wold rather be in a ball cap and ponytail then spend time drying my hair. On the other hand I am a fanatic about my hair color. Some people my age begin to worry about gray..not in my family the growing problem is hair darkening. My grandad hardly has a gray hair at 70. My financial state does not allow me to color my hair as often as I think it needs it, but then again I would do it biweekly, so whose does.
It may be vain to be thankful for such silly things, but seriously you all just as thankful for these items as I am. You just may not be as quick to admit it to the WWW.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Rich has been on my mind a lot lately, well she is almost every day in some way, so today I want to share her with you. I have blogged about her many times, "friend of mine and "long time, no blog" are specifically about her. I will try not to blog about the same things.
Charlotte or Rich as I called her was a huge part of my life. I admired her as a child, respected her as a teacher and loved her as a friend. I do encourage you to go back and read previous things about her. I think you can even still read her Caring Bridge site that I have linked to on my blog.
She was a lady by all definitions. You either loved her or hated her (some of you she won over by little pecan pies and monkey bread). I have so many wonderful memories of her. She taught me so much about life and literature. From Canterbury Tales to Rod Stewart my memories of her will never be forgotten. She battled the beast of cancer like I have never seen, but finally won this year when she received her place in Heaven. I still struggle with losing her. I knew she would eventually be gone, but she fought for so long that I took for granted she would one day pass away from this life. I will always think of her when I hear "Have I told you Lately" or watch "Charlotte's Web" So many books and places remind me of her. The wisdom she gave me has made me who I am. She believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. Each day is filled with memories of her. My only hope is you all can have someone as special as her in your own lives. For that matter so many of you can say she was a special part of your lives.
Charlotte in my life you will stay "forever young"

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Rest of the Family

I had every intention of separating some of these folks, but they go better together. Let me just say I can associate with "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", but my family is "My Big, Nosy Southern Family" I may poke a little fun at them, but let me say I would not trade them for any other group of people. I have been blessed by many wonderful aunts, uncles and cousins.
I am not really close to my dad's family in the sense we spend holidays together, but I still love them dearly and cherish the many memories we have. They are the ones who can be credited for my competitiveness. We do love our games. I do wish one day we will spend more time together before it is too late. For many of you I am thankful for facebook because at least we can hang out and catch up in some way. Also to the extended Mays family you all have different places in my memories. I have to at least run some credits on the family.
Clint, Annette, Jeff, Lisa, Terry and your spouses/children: I have many memories of you. terry and Lisa it is hard to believe my parents were your cool aunt and uncle.
Doyle, Jo, Lana, Kim, Jennifer, Melanie, Matt and your souses/children: I have some great memories of you all. I always loved coming down to Morris Alabama and visiting. Jo will always remember that I could say everything but vanilla (nillaba). You are a special group of people.
Ronnie, Egena, Mandy, Kerry, Paige, Kaycie your spouses/children: We are all the Sewell's left. Some of us may even end up carrying the family name on. we always had fun together. I am blessed to still keep those laughs up with some of you on facebook.

Now the Big Nosy Southern Family which is the Bailey/Byrd Bunch. You are some group.
To My great aunts, uncles and distant cousins: you all hold many memories in my life. You don't get to choose your family, but I couldn't ask for a better one. Tootsie you became the grandmother I lost. You and Hansel hold a special place in my heart. Ronnie and Rita you helped define our family version of National Lampoon's Family Vacations. There are so many of you to name, but know I do actually remember your names and your families.
Finally my aunts, uncles and cousins who are always there. My mother had four sisters and one brother. They are a close group. Even if their lives wouldn't have experienced such a tragedy in losing my grandmother and aunt Teena, I still think they would be as close as they are. You are definitely one nosy group of folks, but only because you care. They are all close so by extension sometimes they think that infiltrates into their nieces and nephews. IF they weren't nosy then I would think they didn't care. Seriously though, all sarcasm aside. My life would not be the same without these people. For better or worse they are my family. There is nothing I would not do for them. I have some of my greatest memories with them. After all as a child I was spoiled, being the first has its advantages. today I take them for granted and don't spend a lot of time with them. It is not because I don't love them, but simply an only chlld can only take so much of togetherness (remember I said I was my father's child). They love T but they know how he is...haha. T and KK probably get the vote for best aunt and uncle and they all know it.
In my life, no offense, that award will forever go to Teena. I have blogged about her before. She spoiled me rotten. Even when she didn't want me around I always had a way of turning up. She taught me lot some good and well learning about Days of Our Lives and "taking tans"..well you be the judge. I had the biggest vocabulary of any four year old because of her. When that little girl in sunglasses needed someone at her defense Teena was there. She was only in my life for five years, but I will never forget all of our memories. Some people retell me but others only the two of us could remember.
Conni, Constance Mary, Callie, Stuart and Luke: You are special people. Constance is the family member I can call a friend. We have had some wonderful memories. I cherish all the memories I have shared with you all.
Pam, Tim, Bailey and Hudson: You are special people too1 Pam and I used to have some fun times growing up when I would go visit. I kind of hated when she had her own children. Hudson and Bailey grew up and my house. Bailey you may not like being compared to me, but hey it has its advantages. By extension Mr. and Mrs Real fall in your category. I too have some wonderful memories with them that I am thankful for.
Toni, Todd, Brandon and Dustin: Toni you have the biggest heart of anyone I know. Brandon I will never forget when I was in second grade and you lived with us for the first few weeks of your life. I knew after that my parents better never have another baby. I enjoy the time I get to spend with you guys.
Elvis, Valerie, Will and Ella: Growing up you were a part of my Saturday and Sunday mornings. I have so many memories with you all. We still enjoy when you come up to visit and keep us up to date on the happenings of Hamilton. Ella I even love you.
I could never talk about all the memories I have with these people I know I will have thousands more as our families grow and get older. The Bailey's are one interesting group but we take care of each other. We are loud and embarrassing each other comes naturally. I am truly blessed to have you all in my life.

Okay so Ella is not included...but these were the simpler times that we liketo refer to as BE (before Ella)

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Not only have I been blessed to have some wonderful grandparents in my life, I had the honor of knowing two sets of my great grandparents. Grandparents are a treasure we often forget about. They are truly where we gain some awesome wisdom and understanding. they are often the foundations of our families. On my dad's side of the family I only had one grandparent, my beloved Grannie Ruthie. Let me just say that was all I needed. She was only in my life thirteen years, but that was enough to make a lasting impact. For those who knew Ruth Sewell, they were blessed. I know all of her children and grandchildren can say that. She was a wonderful Christian lady who expected you to follow those same biblical principles she did. I have so many wonderful memories of her. I know cousins who will never forget when we ran over the cow on our way to church. Every time I sing "Standing on the Promises" at church I think of standing on the stools in her living room and learning to lead singing. My dad says I am just like her in a lot of ways. Mostly when it comes to being cold all the time and having the most bony hands and feet, but hey I will take it. I couldn't ask to be like a better person.
I had a host of grandparents on my mother's side. First, was my Mawmaw. I only had her in my life for five years, but we have more memories in those five years than I will have with some people all my life. I didn't go on vacation without her. Every Friday night I spent the night with her. When I didn[t want to tag along with my parents I called her. Mary Nell Bailey was a special lady whose life was cut short. Next, my Pawpaw or as I now call him, Pops. We used to do everything together. He would pick me up on Saturday and we made our rounds. He is the only grandparent I have left. I now take for granted all the wonderful times we had. My other cousins never got to experience the Pawpaw I had. he loves them all dearly, but I got experience a one of a kind grandfather. I do not spend the time with him I should now. I know I will look back and regret that one day. Elvis Bailey Sr. has blessed a lot of lives and helped many people, but he will always be my number one Pawpaw!!

Ma and Pa Bailey were two characters. I mean they were old when I was born, but lived through half the life I have had thus far. The two of them both lived into their nineties. I only hope I have their genes. They lived with Mt dew flowing in their veins. Pa was a sweet little old man. Ma will forever be known as a witch doctor. She was famous for her wart removal and curing colic in babies. They were good hard working Christians who had many grandchildren and great grandchildren who will aspire to be like them in some way.
Papa and Granny Byrd were two more characters. Papa was essentially blind by the time I was born or at least could remember. He still had a lot of wisdom and stories. He was a hardworking man that was admired by many people. Granny Byrd was one of my favorites. She never lied that I know because she always said what she was thinking whether you liked it or not . why my parents ever let me ride with her behind the wheel I will never know. Even when I was still in college I loved playing dominoes with her. I just wish I could have beaten her once, but she was known to cheat every once in a while. To her I was the one with the affliction, but I think she was proud of my overcoming it. For the last ten years of her life she would often slip me some money in case she missed a graduation or birthday. what a feisty woman!
I have also been blessed by some wonderful adopted grandparents, but one in particular Meemaw (Marie Hargett) was such a blessing to me. Grandaddy and Meemaw were the greatest second grandparents a young girl could have.
As I said grandparents are a part of our family's foundation. I hope many of you have been blessed by some wonderful grandparents.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Best Friends

Some believe you can only have one best friend at a time while others believe everyone is their best friend. In my lifetime I have had many people who have referred to as my best friend. Of course my teenage years sometimes my best friend changed each day.
What defines I best friend? Is it the person who is always there for you...not the fair weather kind? Is it a mother, sister or other family member? Would the people you consider a best friend define you the same way?
As I stated I have been blessed by many best friends. while now I may not consider these people a close friend at all, somewhere in my past they were. If I have taken any one relationship for granted it has most often been my best friend. I can't say I have had a lot of them, but I have lost most of them. In my relationships post I vowed that I would respect the privacy of others so I will not give historic details of our relationships but I want to recognize some of those who have truly had an impact on my life. Alisha, Danielle, Cheryl, Lindsey and Tracy my life would never have been the same without you.
To Alisha: We have had some great memories. My childhood memories have more of you in it than anyone else. Thankfully as we grew up our friendship stayed solid. Time and distance has gotten the best of us, but you will always have a special place in my heart as my first real best friend (no offense dink-dink but you were invisible) To Danielle: we always had fun that is for sure. We may have had problems with our other friends but somehow you and I never seemed to be at odds. My junior high and high school years would never have been the same without you. For so many years we shared our birthday parties and so much more. You may have been little but I always trusted you would have my back and honestly if I needed it today then you would have it again. To Cheryl: In a dictionary under friend they should put your picture. You and I faced some awkward years together. My best friend through those initial teenage years. You were also probably the friend I first took for granted. From you I learned what real friendship was. Time and distance did get the best of us, but thank God we have recently connected back with one another. the true test of a friend is how you can pick back up with them and never even realize time has passed. You would do anything for me and I still would for you. I am thankful you and I are beginning to recultivate our lost friendship. To Lindsey: The one who is actually probably reading this...where could I even begin and end. You have been one of the best friends I have ever had. We have had some of the greatest memories together. High school and definitely college would never have been the same without you. we have traveled many miles together. For three years I was blessed to spend almost all day everyday with you. We may not have always seen it as a blessing at the time. I became and adult with you. I know for a fact I would not be the person I am today without you. Time and distance have definitely changed our relationship, but ever if anyone would be there when I needed it, you would be that person. I definitely took for granted our friendship would never change, but life changed it which is honestly okay. I admire you in so many ways. I am thankful to God for you being such a wonderful part of my life. Who knows what our future holds, but you will always be my friend on Earth but most importantly one day we will be together in Heaven. To Tracy: If I took a friend for granted the has been you. We are kind of an unlikely pair. We are definitely in two different places in our lives, but seriously does that really matter? Friendship knows no boundary. God blessed me with you in a time in my life when I thought life couldn't get any worse. We may be in different places in our lives but we are definitely a lot alike. We have shared so many wonderful memories together. Adult friendships are a lot more complicated than those from childhood because being an adult brings on a whole lot more responsibility. I pray we have a long future together. I can say without a doubt you are the friend I could never replace. I have said that about others, but if i were being honest it is not true. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you. Lately I have not said it enough but my life would not be the same with out you. I love, respect and admire you.
I hope everyone who reads this has been blessed to have best friends in their lives. TO each of these women I love you all. You are the puzzle pieces that make me who I am. Life is not worth living if you do not have a friend to share it with.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


One of my most important relationships is with my mother and daddy. We all have parents, we may never meet them or ruin the relationship, but it exists. I have been blessed by two wonderful parents who have spent their lives making sure I am taken care of. They have supported me in so many ways. I will be the first to admit I probably take this relationship for granted the most. My parents have been helpers, bankers, doctors, jailers, servicemen, drivers, cheerleaders you name it. I could share so many memories, but eventually you would get bored reading. I am blessed because I still live with my parents. Now I cant always count that as a blessing, but I think our relationship is closer and sometimes even strained because of this. One day I will look back and remember how blessed I was to have that time. I am sure many of you would give anything to live with your parents again. I truly believe even if I lived somewhere else I would live in close proximity to them.
Mother and daughter relationships are truly important. Your mother is often your best friend. sometimes people might even think you are sisters (I often want to ask which one is supposed to benefit from teat age comparison..hopefully my mother). Not everyone gets the chance to have a close relationship with their mother...accident, disease and choice change that. For now I can at least look back and be thankful thus far for the relationship I have with my mother.
Fathers and daughters have a special relationship. I was definitely Daddy's Little Girl back in the day. Then as you grow up your father becomes the protector that you often don't think you need. My dad and I may have had some strains in our relationships but I will admit it is only because deep down we both know we are just alike from having the last word to having a big heart. Shh..he would die if he knew I admitted that.
I may change my mind tomorrow (jk) but today I am thankful for my parents. When no one else is left they will always be there. One day they will pass from this Earth but their impression on me will be embedded in me for as long as I am here.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


No other relationships would exist if we didn't have a relationship with God. Today I am not going to give a personal testimony, but rather acknowledge that without God nothing is possible. My relationship with the Father is often affected. This only because I take Him for granted and think in an earthly way instead of a spiritual. Romans 8:28 is one of my favorite verses..."all things work together for the good to them that love the Lord who are called according to His purpose." My faith may waiver but there is not doubt that I believe without God nothing is possible. Prayer is definitely the best problem solver as long as we remember God answers according to His will. Our faith should be the foundation that builds all of our relationships. I am truly blessed by my relationship with the Father.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We have so many various types of relationships to be thankful for, so today I will be discussing relationships and then gradually reflecting upon all those different relationships I am thankful for. I do not plan to go in any particular order especially priority because no one should really base a relationship on how much more important it is than another. Each relationship is different even if its in the same category (i.e. family, friends etc). Each person has their own uniqueness and history.
No one can really guess how long a relationship will last. You have some people in your lives from birth to death. You only know others for a brief moment, but you can be impacted by both types in so many ways. God does not intend for everyone to have the same degree of relationship with a person throughout life. That is the point of living. Time, distance and reality change our relationships. Often times we even sabotage relationships. We either do that intentionally or little by little things change.
It is difficult when a relationship comes to an end. Often it is believed the hardest is when someone is abruptly taken from you. We always say to ourselves that we didn't even have the chance to say goodbye. Others end with the chance of saying that goodbye, but honestly is it really any easier. Finally, we have relationships that we take for granted...we never let that other person know how important they are. These are the people who come and go through life and often make the most difference. Can you think all the many relationships you have that fit these descriptions?
I have lived almost thirty years and in my lifetime had thousands upon thousands of relationships. What I must admit is that almost all of them I have taken for granted. I have lost many I loved, life has continued on so others have been lost by way of time and distance; and finally I have sabotaged otters by not letting them know how important they are. I have a fault that I am not proud of. The majority of the time I have too many high expectations. I make it impossible for people to reach those expectations. Let's face it we are human and humans are far from perfect. When someone lets me down I often just give up on them. How fair is that? How can anyone have fulfilled relationships with that attitude. Also I can admit I focus on one relationship at a time. I often put all my attention into one relationship while the others sit idly by until time and distance just pull them away. When I wake up and begin to try to cultivate other relationships I realize those people have simply moved on with their lives. If you are reading this and think I have done this to you...then I am truly sorry.
This past year I lost a dear friend which made me realize I had a lot of relationships that needed more focus before it was too late. Instead of working on all my relationships simultaneously I started just focusing on those I thought needed the most time, but ended up hurting those closest to me.
If we were all truly honest with ourselves then we can admit we all take for granted certain relationships. Now I may never get married or have children (sometimes I even ask myself if I want to), but many of you take these relationships for granted. You assume your spouse and children will always be there for you, but will they? Parents often think their children will accept them no matter what. Friends are supposed to always be there for you right? Well humans aren't always going to sit by and let others run over them.
Sadly disease destroys so many relationships. Things from alcoholism, cancer, Alzheimer's and so many more take the lives of those we love. We either take for granted this can happen, sabotage the relationship so we don't have to deal with the disease or indirect relationships are ruined because of the disease. One person dies from a disease but your relationship with another is ruined because of everything you went through. Friends can't be together because it is too painful to be around one another without that other member of the group. Parents and children lose relationships because they can handle the aftermath cancer and Alzheimer's has left. i am sure you have these broken relationships.
Today let's all think about the relationships in our lives and whether or not we are doing everything in our power to keep those relationships. Everyone doesn't need your undivided attention everyday, but at least they need to know you will be their when they need you. Which relationship is worth saving to you?

Monday, November 1, 2010


November....a time of thanksgiving from our veterans to the holiday we associate November with the most...Thanksgiving Day!! I can guarantee my blogspot in not read very often by too many people, but this November I would like to reflect upon the things I am most thankful for. Even if I do not get very many hits...I will at least have been able to put my thoughts down. Also I am not the best at blogging, so I will cross my fingers that I actually finish the entire month!!!
I will not lie, this year I have not always been aware of how blessed I truly am. We often let life get in the way and forget to thank God for our many blessing or even for that matter thank those who are such an important part of our lives. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, so each of us must remember to give thanks where thanks is due.
My initial plan is to each day blog about something I am thankful for. I hope each day is something worthwhile, but as the month goes on I may find that I am running out of thought provoking blogs and resort to being thankful for things only I can appreciate. Even the little things count. I will sometimes start with a blog and gradually refine the topic over a period of days. I want to remember so many people who have been such a big part of my life, so I pray I do not leave anyone out. Often for their own privacy's sake I may not go into detail about specifics. I may air my business online for the world to read, but it is unfair for me to get other people too involved.
I encourage you all to continue reading each day in the hope that you begin to count your own blessings.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Promise Me

For anyone who has ever experienced the 3 Day you know you get lots of emails with promos or if you join facebook groups you get news feed with tons of items to purchase related to raising money for breast cancer research. This summer I found something I could not resist...not that I don't buy a bunch of other items to keep me pinked out all the time!!!

About four months ago I received an email about a book that would be coming out in September. It was Nancy Brinker's autobiography on the founding of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. I was able to preorder at a discounted price as well as nominate a sister or friend to receive a free cope from the Komen organization. Now I was fortunate to buy my copy with shipping included at $14 but I would pay the retail price any day. I was also fortunate to nominate a dear friend for an autographed copy. My friend will be awarded her copy in October!!!

This book is a wonderful story of how the Komen foundation began as well as how much has gone into breast cancer research throughout history. Most of all it is a story of two sisters growing up together, being there for one another and eventually one honoring another in a way that no one could have ever imagined would become such an inspiration to millions of other people. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a good read, to all women (but men as well), and most especially to those who have been effected by breast cancer.

Everyone who knows me knows I am passionate about all things pink. If you have a sister or a friend read this and think about how special all our relationships are to us and ponder whether or not you would make your life's work saving others in the name of your sister/friend!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Honoring 9-11

I thought I would honor September 11 by having a story of photos with my experiences related to the World Trade Center site. I have had the privilege of going to NYC several ties and it is one of my most favorite places. I have also had the honor or touring the Pentagon which is something not everyone has the opportunity to do.

Today I hope that once again our citizens can for at least one day stand United as we did on that day. The story of Todd Beamer on United 93 has always been one that has touched my heart but we all remember so much. Let's always remember our policeman, firefighters, volunteer workers, and our service men and women, but most especially today. I hope you enjoy!

My first look at the WTC came in April of 1999 from Liberty Island. It was cold cold April day, but to see those buildings rise above the NY skyline was amazing. Here I stand with two close high school friends, Erica (Hamrick) Warren and Danielle (Burleson)Kennedy. Who would have ever thought back then something so devastating would happen two yeas later.
I will never forget that early September morning in 2001. My roommate and one other suitemate shared a 9:15 class so I got to e first in shower that day. As always once I got out Lindsey followed and I turned on the Today show (Katie was our favorite in those days) Within minutes I was waking Elizabeth up and hurrying Lindsey out of the shower. We were standing there watching it when the second plane hit the towers. We all made it to class only to find out class was cancelled. We continued to watch the coverage in dorm rooms and dorm lobbies. I had the good fortune of attending a Christian university, but most especially on that day. Our chapel service was a moving prayer service that by then included the Pentagon and PA. We had prayer services at churches and really were all in shock. I remeber crying as you watched the news each night and people were pleading to find thee loved ones.
Each yer on the anniversary I remember watching the memorial services, but actually seeing it in 2003 was amazing. At first glance dirt and rubble were still lingering around. Buildings were still bored up from broken glass. You wee hardly able to walk around it and firefighters and policeman (especially) still stood on patrol of the area.

This was the skyline as I saw it in 2003

A flag hung around the cleanup and the steel beams which were left standing in the form f a cross was still visible to see.

A billboard at one end of the site as well as a construction workers cleaning up.

This was a statue at the wax museum in 2003. It was so real looking we bought an 8x10 of it.

The ground was left with a big giant hole. It was amazing how deep it was. they were almost finished cleaning out so they could begin working on the subway system.

Just two years before I remember standing in this same area and just looking up as far as my neck could bend and seeing all building, but on this day two years after 9-11 it was only sky.

This past spring (yet again in April) I was able to go back and visit the site. It was shocking to see how far they had come just six years later. This time I spent time in the church beside the WTC site. This church was one of few building left standing. The graves in the graveyard are leaning, but few marks. It also became a shelter and rescue area. They have so much memorabilia left from 2001.

The bell if you can read it was given to the church and NYC from the city of London. It reminded me of a mini Liberty Bell.

Here lies a fireman's suit who did not survive as well as badges from all the fire departments who came to help with rescue efforts.

Now I have been to the OK city bombing site and it was just as humbling, so when I saw this banner it touched my heart.

If you remember from above I have a very similar picture. Now you can see the subway has been built back and roads are paved. It no time this will be a beautiful area.

here is one of the memorials they have now at WTC site.

Today I hope everyone one remembers those were lost and especially their families who survived. God Bless America!! I leave you with words from America the Beautiful.

America, America

God shed His grace on thee

And crowned thy good with brotherhood

From sea to shining sea.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Walk

After some ups and downs with teammates, fundraising and training I am participating in the 2010 Atlanta Susan G. Komen 3 Day for the Cure. This event is a wonderful experience and I could nto pass it up again. Nt to get into drama I will just say things are a go. I am going to really need to get into my training. It seems I have aged some since last year or I am getting out of shape. I seem to have a lot more aches and pains. The fundraising is going well. We are over halfway thee. We have a few events to do, so hopefully we will be finished soon. My teammate is Flori Sweatt. I should have started with her from the beginning, but that is hindsight. I am really excited for the event. I can not believe it is almost here. I am sure I will be talking about it more in teh next few weeks!!
Our team is "Two Pink chicks" The following is the back of one of our t-shirt we sole to raise $$